How can it be that we've finished up 5 clues already? The next clue could be our last... or not. That's part of the mystery, we don't even know how many clues are left. What fun! :)
Do you want to play along with the Mystery? Go to Bonnie's blog to get all the clues.
Allietare Mystery
Check out all the progress being made by those who are participating! There is some fantastic work being done.
Mystery Monday Link-Up, Part 5
So, what have I managed to complete? I worked slowly but surely on getting Clue 5 finished. I was moving a bit slowly because I ended up growing a very nice sinus infection. I went to Urgent Care on December 26th and have some good medicine, so I'm feeling much better now.
Here are all my units from Clue 5!
My units are not perfect, but they're close enough for me. I'm sure they will work out just fine. :)
I have also been working on making the sashing for the second Grand Illusion charity quilt. This time I'm using blue in the sashing and the setting squares. I am curious to see how this color change affects the overall look of the quilt.
Isn't that blue fabric fun? Batik bubbles. :)
I hope all of you had a great Christmas and will have a fantastic New Year. Can you believe that the new year is only a day away? Wow, time flies!
I love the bubbles--so happy! (Even the word "bubbles" makes me smile!) Happy New Year.